The Presidial Registry was during the period 1940–1945 situated in the Municipal Registry and other locations (e.g. in the Old City Hall). In 1957 the Presidial Registry was moved to the city archive, and only in 1971 some documents were appraised and the rest arranged. In the same year returned to it were files of the Presidial Registry from the period 1945–50, to where they were moved from the original Protectorate registry – which required the fonds to be reaaranged. an entity of type: Activity

The Presidial Registry was during the period 1940–1945 situated in the Municipal Registry and other locations (e.g. in the Old City Hall). In 1957 the Presidial Registry was moved to the city archive, and only in 1971 some documents were appraised and the rest arranged. In the same year returned to it were files of the Presidial Registry from the period 1945–50, to where they were moved from the original Protectorate registry – which required the fonds to be reaaranged. 

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